The History of Javanese Batik Motifs and Explanations

gambar batik cirebon singa barong

The History of Javanese Batik Motifs and Explanations — Batik was first introduced to the world community by President Soeharto, who at that time wore batik at the UN conference. Batik is a process of creating coloring on a piece of cloth that is given a picture, and has a noble philosophical meaning, making a work of art full of meaning for the Javanese people from ancient times to become Indonesia’s cultural heritage in the field of art. Javanese women in the past made batik skills a livelihood, so in the past batik work was an exclusive job for women until the discovery of the “Batik Cap” which allowed the entry of men into this batik field.
There are some exceptions to the phenomenon that batik is women, namely coastal batik which seems to have lines that tend to be masculine as we can see in the Mega Mendung batik motif, where in some coastal areas, batik work is a common thing for men.

The batik tradition was originally a tradition that has always been passed down for generations until sometimes a certain batik motif can be easily recognized by us and the batik cloth comes from which family batik. Some of these Javanese batik motifs can show a person’s class or family status. Even today, some traditional batik motifs can only be worn by the Yogyakarta and/or Surakarta palace families.

Javanese Batik Motifs based on the Region

The artistic and cultural heritage of the Javanese for Indonesian generations has always been preserved by the relatives of the palace on the island of Java. Javanese batik has a variety of different batik motifs. Differences in Javanese batik motifs are common because these motifs have their meaning and philosophy, not just pictures, but contain a noble meaning for those obtained from previous ancestors, namely adherents of dynamism, animism, or Hinduism and Buddhism. Javanese Batik motifs grow and develop a lot around the Solo area or what is commonly called Solo batik in addition to Pekalongan city which is popular with Pekalongan batik. The following is a reference to Javanese Batik based on its region of origin:

See also  History of Mega Mendung Batik and Explanations
Bali BatikBanyumas BatikPekalongan Batik
Madura BatikMalang BatikYogyakarta Batik
Solo BatikTegal (Tegalan) BatikTasikmalaya Batik
Aceh BatikCirebon BatikJombang Batik
Banten BatikTulungagung BatikKediri Batik
Kudus BatikJepara Batik / Kartini BatikBrebes Batik
Jember BatikBlitar BatikBetawi Batik

History Of Javanese Batik Motif

We try to look back at the history of Javanese batik through the process of tracing the history of the kingdom starting from the Majapahit kingdom to other kingdoms afterward. In the historical records of the archipelago, it is stated that the development of Javanese batik cloth was mostly carried out during the heyday of the ancient Mataram kingdom, after the Mataram kingdom broke out, the next one who continued the baton of batik culture was the kingdom of Surakarta Hadiningrat and Nagari NgaYogyakarta Hadiningrat. The Kingdom of Surakarta has a solo batik center located in the village of Laweyan with a Klewer batik market, while the Kingdom of Jogja with its Beringharjo market.

Basically, Batik culture is included in the type of art of painting or drawing on a piece of cloth that will be used as material for certain models of batik clothes.

Javanese Batik motifs based on the pattern of the motifs

Keraton BatikSundagaran BatikCuwiri Batik
Petani BatikTambal BatikSidomukti Batik
Sekar Jagad BatikPringgondani BatikKawung Batik
Sido Luhur BatikSido Asih BatikSemen Rama Batik
Singa Barong BatikSawat Pengantin BatikTruntum Batik
Mega Mendung BatikSatrio Manah BatikSinga Payung Batik

Javanese Batik Motif Pictures

See also  The History of Papua Batik Motifs and Explanations
batik jawa
javanese batik

From the description of the history of Javanese batik motifs and their explanations, we hope that this written batik culture will remain sustainable until the next generation.

See also  Plain Cloth Combination Batik Shirt Model for Women

Bibliography of the History of Javanese Batik Motifs and Explanations

  • Sejarah Batik Jawa dan Penjelasannya, Online: accessed at 2 September 2016
  • Batik, Wikipedia. Online: accessed at 2 September 2016