Recommendations Batik Shop in Lahat, South Sumatera

Lahat is one of the districts in the province of South Sumatra. Lahat Regency is bordered by Muara Enim Regency to the north and east, Musi Rawas Regency to the north, South Bengkulu Regency and Pagar Alam City to the south, and Empat Lawang Regency to the west. Indonesia has a diversity of cultures from Sabang to Merauke, one of which is Batik. In areas of Indonesia, especially Java Island, there are a lot of Batik shops, but not only on the island of Java, on the island of Sumatra, precisely in South Sumatra, Lahat Regency, there are also many Batik shops. Therefore, we will provide recommendations for Batik Shops in Lahat, South Sumatra.

Batik Festival in Lahat Kabupaten Regency
Image Source: Lahat Regency Government Holds Lahat Typical Batik Festival & 2020 Casual Muslim Clothing Show

Lahat Regency actually has unique and interesting Batik crafts, but it is less exposed, but Batik shops in Lahat Regency provide various Batik motifs from various regions in Indonesia.

The following are recommendations for Batik Shops in Lahat, as follows.

  • Gallery Elzatta Lahat

This Batik Gallery provides the types of batik that you can look for. Clothing for both men and women is here, the products sold are shirts, headscarves, robes, bags and others. For women it will be very suitable to shop at this place. The batik here is also very good, the collection is complete and the motifs are always interesting. For those of you who want to go to the Elzatta Lahat Gallery with your family, it is also very suitable.

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If interested, you can go to Jl. RE Martadinata Bandar Agung, Bandar Agung, Kec. Lahat, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra. You can use the Google Maps route “ELZATTA LAHAT GALLERY” here it is open every day and you can visit it from 08.30 to 21.00.)

  • Griya Batik Jasmine

Griya Batik Jasmine is one of the recommendations batik shop in Lahat Regency. Providing various kinds of batik for you and your family, such as shirts, kebaya, robes to couple batik are also available here. Griya Batik Jasmine also accepts batik orders for various needs such as family events, weddings, office uniforms and others. Here the service is satisfying and for the price, Griya Batik Jasmine’s Batik is quite affordable with good quality, the service is also very friendly.

For those of you who are interested in visiting Griya Batik, the address is at Jl. Reforestation of Bandar Jaya, Bandar Jaya, Kec. Lahat, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra. Griya Batik Melati is open every day from 08.00 to 17.00.

  • Ghumah Batik (Bukit Selero Batik)

This shop provides a typical Lahat Batik called Batik Bukit Salero. Batik Bukit Serelo is a typical Lahat batik with the theme of the beauty of Bukit Serelo which has become an icon of Lahat Regency and Batik Bukit Salero is also the work of the indigenous people of Lahat. At Ghumah Batik, there are a lot of batik collections and the quality of the batik is also very good, so you don’t have to worry about shopping for batik here.

This shop is located on Jl. Bhayangkara No.111, Kota Baru, Kec. Lahat, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra. You can also use Google Maps “Ghumah Batik (Batik Bukit Serelo)”. Ghumah Batik shop is open every day and opens from 08.00.

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Also read our other articles : Recommendations Batik Shop in Cilegon            

Those are some recommended Batik Shops in Lahat, South Sumatra that you can visit. This recommendation can be used as a reference if you are looking for batik in Lahat Regency