The history of Blitar batik began in 1902 with the development of the creativity of the Javanese people, especially the Blitar area or formerly called Balitar which is an extension …
History of Malang Batik Motifs and Explanations — Before we discuss in detail about the history of Malang batik motifs, let us first identify Malang Regency which is the second …
The History of Jambi Batik Motifs and Explanations — Jambi province is one of the regions that participates in the participation and dissemination of the wealth of traditional Indonesian batik …
History of Jember Batik Motifs and Explanations — Currently, the world of Indonesian fashion, especially batik, has been very developed and varies from models to new batik motifs created by …
Trenggalek batik has several distinctive batik motifs by adding the characteristics of clove plants to some classic Javanese batik motifs in general, such as the clove machete batik motif. The …
Truntum batik was created by the consort of Sunan Paku Buwana III from Surakarta Hadiningrat, namely Kanjeng Ratu Kencana or commonly called Ratu Beruk which means love that grows back. …
History of Minahasa Batik Motifs and Explanations. Minahasa is very famous for the beauty of its woven fabrics, and now also has another cultural wealth, namely Minahasa batik cloth made …
Recommendations for Yogyakarta Batik Shops – Batik is the typical clothing of the Indonesian people which is also one of the cultural heritages of the archipelago that has been recognized …
The History of Lampung Batik Motifs and Explanations – Lampung province is the southernmost province on the island of Sumatera with the capital Bandar Lampung, a combination of Teluk Betung …
Recommendations Batik Shop in Rembang – Batik is the typical clothing of the Indonesian people which is also one of the cultural heritages of the archipelago that has been recognized …
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