Types of Batik in Indonesia and Explanations

Batik yogyakarta klasik Motif isen

Types of Batik in Indonesia and Explanations — There are many kinds of batik in Indonesia, and here we will review them one by one to upload our shared knowledge about Indonesian batik culture.

Cirebon Batik

This type of Indonesian batik originating from Cirebon is included in the type of coastal batik cloth because this type of Cirebon batik grows and develops routed on the northern coast of Java Island. For the Cirebon batik motif, the most popular in the community is the Mega Mendung Awan batik cloth motif because this type of batik is a typical symbol or symbol of the city of Cirebon.

Batik with a Mega Mendung motif was once the cover of a book that thoroughly explored the foreign edition of batik, namely Batik Design, by the Dutch artist Pepin Van Roojen.

The peculiarity of the Mega Mendung motif is not only in its motifs in the form of images resembling clouds with bold colors, but also the philosophical values contained in the motifs. H.komarudin Kudiya S.IP, M.Ds, is the daily Cairperson of YBJB (west Java Batik Foundation) starting that:

“The Mega Mendung batik motif is a form of work that is very noble and full of meaning, so the use of the Megamendung motif should be maintained properly and placed properly.”

The above statement does not mean to limit the use of the Megamendung motif, but it is highly discouraged if it’s applied to products such as sandals, for example, Where this motif is used on the lining of sandals in hotels.

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gambar batik cirebon mega mendung
Mega Mendung Cirebon Batik pictures

Pekalongan Batik

This type of Indonesian batik originating from Pekalongan is indeed the most popular batik among other types of batik cloth, this is because the Pekalongan area is the largest producer of Pekalongan batik cloth and batik clothes in Indonesia.

The city of batik is indeed in Pekalongan because there is a center for batik craftsmen and entrepreneurs, Batik Pekalongan is a popular batik in Indonesia that has the potential to grow bigger. Pekalongan written batik is also one of the pillars of the community’s economy, where the Pekalongan batik motif is the same as other coastal batik motifs, namely batik Dermayon from Indramayu. It has distinctive colors and patterns that blend naturally with nature, making it so famous in the archipelago.

Pekalongan batik motifs were heavily influenced by immigrants from Tiongkok and Belanda in the past.

Pekalongan’s batik cloth material is the same as other regional batik cloths where the main component of batik is there. To get batik material is very easy to find because batik is the lifeblood of the people of Pekalongan.

Although the variety of Pekalongan batik motifs is similar to Yogya batik or Solo batik, Pekalongan batik is very free and natural because it is combined with many variations of fresh colors. Often we find various kinds of Pekalongan batik which have dynamic color combinations of up to 7 colors. Batik Jlamprang is one of the most popular Pekalongan batik motifs and has become a street name in Pekalongan. Pekalongan batik is very distinctive because it relies on many small entrepreneurs. Since the first, Pekalongan hand-drawn batik and Pekalongan stamped batik are done in people’s homes so that they are very integrated with the lives of Pekalongan residents themselves.

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Pekalongan City is a paradise for archipelago batik lovers because apart from Pekalongan batik cloth, there are also various kinds of accessories that you can mix and match with the batik you wear.

Pekalongan Batik with Jlamprang motif

Indramayu Batik

The kinds of Indonesian batik originating from Indramayu are a blend of Sundanese and Javanese culture. The type of Batik for this area is called Dermayon batik cloth where most of the influences of this Indramayu batik motif are from China because it is similar to the long and blockchain motifs.

Picture of Batik Indramayu with dermayon motif

Betawi Batik

Various kinds of Indonesian batik originate from Betawi in the form of Buketan motifs, Lokchan motifs, and Pucuk Rebung motifs. The colors contained in Betawi batik motifs, such as orange, red, green, and terracotta.

batik betawi
Picture of Betawi Batik with Pucuk Rebung motif

Yogyakarta Batik

Solo Batik

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Blitar Batik

Various kinds of Indonesian batik originate from Blitar, you can get information through the link above.

Tulungagung Batik

Various kinds of Indonesian batik originate from Tulungagung, namely… [coming soon]

Madura Batik

Various kinds of Indonesian batik originate from Madura, you can get information through the link above.

Sundanese Batik

Various kinds of Indonesian batik originate from Sunda, namely… [coming soon]

Balinese Batik

Various kinds of Indonesian batik originate from Bali you can get information through the link above.

Here are a few kinds of batik in Indonesia and the area of origin. Hopefully, it’s useful I hope you can continue writing various kinds of Indonesian batik in this content. Thank you