Recommendations Batik Shop in Rembang

Recommendations Batik Shop in Rembang – Batik is the typical clothing of the Indonesian people which is also one of the cultural heritages of the archipelago that has been recognized by UNESCO. Not only functions as clothing, batik also contains works of art found in cloth motifs that are rich in philosophy and history. These motifs also characterize the name and region of the batik origin. One of the areas known as the best batik producers in Indonesia is the City of Rembang.

Rembang is the name of a city located on the northern coast of central Java Province which is directly adjacent to East Java Province. In the City of Rembang, there is an area that is quite famous for its batik work, the name of the area is Lasem. Lasem is the name of a sub-district located on the northern coast of Java, where a very iconic batik masterpiece was born in that area. Its name is “Batik Lasem”, why is it so iconic? Because Lasem batik has several characteristics that are quite different from batik in general. The Characteristic of Lasem batik was created as a result of accultarion from three major culture, namely, Java, the Netherlands, and China, this acculturation can be seen from the color selection which is dominated by brown (Javanese), blue (Dutch), red (China), so that Lasem batik gets the nickname as Batik Tiga Negeri. This was not whitout reason, because in the past Lasem entered the Dutch trade route and there were also many people of Chinese descent who later settled and mingled with local residents.

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If you are visiting or maybe you are passing through the city of Rembang, it is incomplete if you don’t visit Lasem. Because there are so many batik centeres that you can visit for shopping or just sightseeing. Therefore, we will provide recommendations for Rembang Batik Stores that you can visit when shopping for batik in the city of Rembang:

  • Rumah Batik Nyah Kiok
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The first place you can visit is the Nyah Kiok Batik House. The Nyah Kiok Batik House was founded by Hadi Sutjahyo and Listyorini (Nyah Kiok) which has been around since the early 20th century.

One of the characteristics of the Nyah Kiok Batik House is that the batik makers apply the wax directly to the fabric without having to give a pattern first. The batik motifs that can be found at the Nyah Kiok batik house include the ringgit mountain motif which symbolizes prosperity, and the butterfly motif which symbolizes simplicity and loyalty.

If you are interested in visiting the Nyah Kiok Batik House, you can go to Karangturi village, precisely on Jalan Karangturi Gg.6.

  • Rumah Batik Kidang Mas

Rumah Batik Kidang Mas was originally not a center for the batik industry, the owner originally made batik for his own use. However, over time there were many requests from many people and decided to produce batik on a large scale.

Batik at Rumah Batik Kidang Mas still uses the traditional batik process which creates a classic and luxurious impression on the work. For coloring, at Rumah Batik Kidang Mas, the majority use colors that come from nature, such as the brown color from the logs, the red color from the roots of the noni tree, and the blue color from the indigofera leaves.

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If you are interested in visiting the Kidang Mas Batik House, you can go to Babagan village, Lasem sub-district.

  • Rumah Batik Maranatha
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Similar to several other batik houses in Lasem, Maranatha Batik House still uses the traditional way of doing the batik process. One of them is fabric processing which takes 1 month so that the color of the fabric does not fade easily. The fabrics used at the Maranatha Batik House are gamelan cloth and golden chariot cloth, and there are several motifs such as the Pasiran motif, the Godhong Asem motif, the tomorrow afternoon motif, and the Ringgit Mountain motif. Maranatha Batik House is located in Karangturi Village, Lasem District, Rembang Regency.

Those are some recommendations for some places to buy batik that we recommend, if you go to the city of Rembang. If you want to see recommendations for batik places in other cities, stay tune on our website, because we will provide recommendations for places to buy batik in other cities.

Visit our website if you want to see recommendations for Batik Shops in other cities.