Recommendation Batik Shops in Madura

Madura Batik Shop Recommendations – Madura is not only known for its cow Carapan activities but you also have to know the colorfull beauty of Madura batik which has its distinctive motifs.

Madura Batik is one of Indonesia’s cultural heritages which is now starting to be in demand by the Indonesian people because of the variety of Motifs owned by Madura batik. In its history, Madurese batik developed from the 16th century to the 17th century AD. When there was a war, news broke that Raden Azhar was wearing his oversized clothes using a machete motif batik shirt or a leres batik motif in Madurese.

Classic Batik Orange Chocolate

Madura Batik Motifs

The Leres batik motif is a Madura batik motif by highlighting symmetrical transverse lines, in harmony with Javanese batik motifs in general, namely Pekalongan batik, Solo Batik, and Yogyakarta batik. Madura batik motifs tend to use bold colors such as red, yellow, green, and blue. The colors on the fabric are made of natural dyes soga alam, such as mengkudu, tingi for red dyes and tarum leaves are used for lue dyes, as well as mundu skin which is added with alum to give a green color to Madura batik fabric.

The process of soaking Madura batik cloth is carried out to determine the level of light and dark color produced, the length of soaking Madura batik cloth is usually around 1-3 months. In addition, it aims to make the color of Madura batik fabric more durable.

The variety of Madura batik motifs is taken from plant, animal, and combination motifs which are creations of the batik makers. Madura batik has 2 types, namely coastal batik motifs and inland motifs for coastal motifs tend to be bold such as blue, while inland batik tends to be characteristics of Madura batik is that it as dominant lines that are presented in one batik design.

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Madura batik has a unique philosophy and story to represent the daily life of the Madurese people you will find one of the Madura batik motifs that use relatively bright and sharp colors such as the Matahari, Sakarjagat, Daun Memba, Keong Mas, and Gorek Basi batik motifs in the Pamerkasan area. And several other baqtik motifs have been registered for patent rights such as the Keraben Sapeh batik motif, Sakereh Padih-kepa, Beads, and Kempeng Saladerih.

And for those of you who are traveling to the Sumenep region, you must find Madura batik motifs with only one color even though it still has a fairly bright color nuance. In 1970 Sumenep batik began to squirm again with a superior motif, namely the chicken motif with a red base color to show the characteristics of Madura batik itself. Recommended Madura Batik Shop, This Madura batik writing center is located in Pekandangan Barat Village, about 18 km from the city center.

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Wholesale Cheap Madura Batik

This batik shop offers various types of Fabrics and Motifs of Madura batik. various types such as formal batik, kebaya, batik cloth, and batik kaftan. The price of these batiks is sold relatively cheaply depending on the type of fabric and motif. prices range from 60k to 500k. the price adjusts the quality, difficulty of the batik process, color combinations, etc.

So for you to choose batik fabrics that are happy in our online store, after you get a choice of batik fabrics, we sew them so that they fit better on the body of the clothes you buy so that they are not oversized or small standard sizes: S, M, XL, L, XXL.

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You can also direct messages that will be sewn according to the desired model. Sewing Costs Start From 35,000 to 50,000 depending on the model, the ordinary model is 45,000 if you add fouring the additional cost is about 15,000.

Maybe enough for this article, we will provide an update on The recommendations of Batik Shops in other cities always stay tuned on our website.

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